Saturday, February 28, 2009

Reflections on John 3:16

It is one of the first Bible verses that I learned. For God so loved the world that he sent his one and only son that who so ever believes in him shall not parish but have eternal life.
As a child I really did not grasp the true meaning of this beautiful verse. Matter of fact, I really did not understand it until I had children of my own. I love my babies more than my own life and I just don't think I could ever do what God did for us. I could not send any one of my three angels to a place that I knew was going to be filled with hardship, suffering, and ultimately a horrible, painful death. God knew exactly what he was doing, and because he loved us so much, he gave us Jesus. I am so thankful for that gift because I know it is one that I would never be strong enough to give.
Because of this beautiful sacrifice, so much of my fear has been erased. I do not need to fear my own death or the death of beloved family members. John 3:16 gives us the hope of eternal life. What we are in now is just one small part of our existence. There is more for us to do once we leave our bodies and this Earth. We will not parish or pass away. Eternity awaits us and it will be a beautiful thing to behold.

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